London-based Indian doctor promoting neurotherapy centres!!!

(Pi Bureau)

Virendra Singh Rawat

Business Writer


A London-based Indian doctor has planned to set up a chain of neurodisability therapeutic centres across Uttar Pradesh.


Dr Rahul Bharat, who migrated from UP but currently holds a British passport and practises medicine in London, is seeking partnerships with paediatricians to set up a clinic each in the 75 districts of the state in the next 3 years.


Currently, a centre run by his organisation Geniuslane operates in Lucknow supported by reputed doctors and paediatricians. Geniuslane treats children with neurodisability and those who are physically and cognitively stunted, such as autistic and dyslexic.


“Over the last three years, we have successively treated 657 children with such disorders in Lucknow, of which almost 20 percent belonged to the weaker sections and were given free medial and therapeutic care,” he claimed.


He said the expansion of the Geniuslane network would benefit more children in UP facing such conditions and being deprived of expert medical care and intervention. The centres would also be equipped with e-medicine infrastructure for remote consultation in complex cases.


“It is sad that people associate such condition with social stigma and do not consult a doctor, when symptoms indicating slow learning are witnessed in children,” Dr Bharat lamented.


He urged people not to ‘write off’ children with psychological disorders, since there were always high chances of them getting cured if identified and treated at an early stage.


“Even if a part of brain is damaged, then the damage is limited to that part only and the other part of brain takes over the functioning associated with the damaged section,” he explained.


He suggested that the parents should video record the behaviour of their children as evidence when they visit a doctor for better diagnosis and subsequent treatment.


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