15 US companies face sanctions in Iran, for having Israel ties !!!

(Pi Bureau)


TEHRAN: Iran News Agency today said that Iran will impose sanctions on 15 US companies for their support to Israel and its “terrorist actions”.


Iran’s such move is largely symbolic as the firms do not do business with Iran, which come after days when the US announced new sanctions on a number of foreign firms accused of collaborating with Iran’s weapons programme.

Iran’s sanctions target US firms that provide arms and equipment to Israel “for use against the Palestinians”, IRNA said.

“All transactions with these firms are forbidden, their assets will be seized and their officials will not be able to obtain a visa,” added the news agency.

The firms include United Technologies, ITT Corporation, Magnum Research INC, Military Armament Corporation and Bushmaster Firearms International.

The list also included Re/Max Real Estate, which Tehran accuses of “buying and selling homes in settlements located in the occupied territories”.

Tensions have mounted between Tehran and Washington since US President Donald Trump took office in January.

Earlier, Washington announced sanctions against foreign firms and individuals over allegedly collaborating with the weapons programmes of Iran and North Korea.


Last month US imposed new sanctions on individuals and companies supporting Iran’s ballistic missile programme and its elite Revolutionary Guards.

US lawmakers may in future, adding more pressure on Iran, may declare Iran’s Revolutionary Guards as  a terrorist outfit .

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